The Heartwarming Story of Star Print: A Legacy of Passion and Perseverance

The Heartwarming Story of Star Print: A Legacy of Passion and Perseverance

In 1985, a small printing company was born in the front room of a terraced house. Little did anyone know that it would grow into one of the most dominant and respected printing businesses in the area. This is the story of Star Print, a family-owned business that has stood the test of time and overcome great challenges along the way.

Humble Beginnings

Star Print was founded by the father of the current directors. He had a passion for printing and a dream of starting his own business. With hard work and determination, he turned that dream into a reality. The early days were tough, but the family worked tirelessly to build their reputation and establish themselves in the industry.

From a small room in their home, they slowly expanded into a larger workspace. The family worked together, each contributing their unique talents to the business. They took on all kinds of printing jobs, from flyers and business cards to larger projects like banners and billboards.

The Big Move

By 2005, Star Print had grown so much that they needed a larger space to operate. They moved into a mill at McLeod Street, which gave them more room for equipment and staff. This move allowed them to take on even more clients and projects, and their reputation continued to grow.

Despite the challenges that came with the move, the family remained focused on their goal: to build a successful printing business that would make their father proud.

A Devastating Diagnosis

In 2013, the family received devastating news. The father and founder of Star Print had been diagnosed with PSP, a rare and debilitating neurological disorder. It was a difficult time for the family, but they rallied around their father and each other.

They knew that they had to keep the business going, not just for themselves, but for their father’s legacy. They continued to work hard, despite the difficulties, and made sure that Star Print remained a top-quality printing service.

Continuing the Legacy

Today, Star Print is still going strong. The business is run by the directors, who are determined to continue their father’s legacy. They have a team of 12 people who are dedicated to providing the best possible service to their clients.

Their reputation for excellent work is well-deserved, and they take pride in everything they do. They are constantly striving to improve and grow, and they know that they couldn’t do it without the support of their loyal clients.

Supporting Star Print

If you’re looking for a printing company that cares about quality and customer service, look no further than Star Print. Their dedication to their craft and their commitment to their family’s legacy make them stand out from the crowd.

So why not support a family-owned business with a heartwarming story? Choose Star Print for all your printing needs and be a part of their ongoing success story.
